Monday, July 26, 2004

I like my toast done on one side...

You must be aware, if you lived within 30 miles of downtown Boston, that the Democratic Party held their National Convention in Boston during July 2004.
Was it the blanket TV or media coverage that tipped you off? No. It was just so quiet on the streets, in the restaurants and bars. Seems everyone wanted to get away before the convention came to town. The fact that there were so few ways to get downtown from the outskirts kept everyone else at a safe distance.

That is unless you were one of the more fortunate to be a fun loving out of town conventioneer and not a worker that week. Felt like a pretty clear demonstration of the two Americas. The one having fun and the one having problems making a living.
It does not have to be that way, not in our America.

As Senator John Edwards reminded us, “This is America where everything is possible”, so please, can I have my toast done on one side, because I like it done that way.

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